Tooth Extractions

Randolph, NJ

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, it’s crucial that you visit a dentist as soon as possible. Toothaches can be an indicator of serious oral health problems, including infection and wisdom teeth impaction. You can trust Seidner Dentistry & Associates in Randolph, NJ, to resolve your dental issues with care.

What Is A Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is when a dentist or oral surgeon pulls out an entire tooth from its socket to resolve pain, infection, or another dental problem. This is necessary when a tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair. Additionally, extraction of wisdom teeth is a routine procedure for many teenagers and young adults, especially if the teeth are impacted, which means they don’t have room to emerge or they grow in at an incorrect angle and cause pain. The problems that cause toothaches tend to be serious, and not having your condition treated can lead to more severe issues down the road.

Reasons For Tooth Extractions

There are numerous causes of toothaches and dental pain that may indicate you need a tooth extraction, including:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Abscess (a serious infection that can spread to other parts of the body and require an emergency tooth extraction)
  • Cavities or extensive tooth decay
  • Severe gum disease
  • Tooth injury or damage
  • Crowded teeth

All of these must be addressed as soon as possible to avoid future complications and prevent infection. We will thoroughly examine your tooth (or teeth) and determine the best course of action and a customized treatment plan for your unique case. If your tooth needs to be extracted, our dentist at Seidner Dentistry & Associates will explain your choices. 

Our Procedures

We can help with the following procedures:

  • Wisdom tooth extraction
  • Extraction of decayed or damaged teeth
  • Treatment for dental abscesses
  • Replacing the missing tooth with a dental implant to resemble your natural tooth
  • Replacing the missing tooth or teeth with a dental bridge or dental partial

Replacing missing teeth will contribute to your overall dental health, allow you to eat without pain, and restore your smile. Regardless of your needs, your dentist will numb the area before your procedure to ensure your comfort and make the process as easy as possible.

Complimentary Mild Sedation

Additionally, the entire team at Seidner Dentistry & Associates believes it is our responsibility to ensure that your dentist appointment is comfortable and virtually pain-free. We take your needs into consideration and provide local anesthetic as well as complimentary nitrous oxide sedation dentistry during your procedure.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Some discomfort after removing a tooth is normal. For tooth extraction pain relief, an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, is usually sufficient. If we give you a prescription for stronger pain medication, take it as directed. You can also decrease pain by applying an ice pack (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for the first six hours following the extraction. Below are some additional aftercare instructions.

What To Eat After A Tooth Extraction

After your tooth extraction, your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numb for several hours. Avoid chewing until the numbness wears off, and do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours. A light diet is recommended for the first day following your procedure. Avoid spicy foods and seeds.

Proper Care For Good Healing

Immediately following the procedure, use a compress and keep steady pressure on the extraction site. Gently remove the compress after 30 minutes. If bleeding persists, place a clean gauze pad or wet tea bag on the site and keep steady pressure on the area for an additional hour. Some oozing of blood may persist for up to 24 hours after surgery. After the oozing has stopped, gently resume regular oral hygiene.

A blood clot will form in the extraction site, and this clot is vital to the healing process. To keep the clot intact and prevent a dry socket:

  • Keep your fingers and tongue away from the surgical area.
  • Do not smoke, spit, blow your nose, sneeze, or rinse your mouth on the day of surgery.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (but do not use a straw).
  • Relax as much as possible.
  • Avoid all strenuous activities for at least the first 24 hours.

Swelling can start after a tooth has been removed, but it is no cause for concern. Press a bag of frozen peas or a towel filled with ice against the area for five minutes on and ten minutes off for an hour to reduce swelling.

What To Do 24 Hours After Extraction

Twenty-four hours after your surgical extraction, rinse your mouth gently with a saltwater solution (one teaspoon salt in a cup of warm water). Gently swish the solution around the affected area and spit carefully so as not to dislodge the forming clot. Do this two to three times daily for a week following the extraction. You can also resume your normal tooth brushing, being careful to avoid the surgical site. Additionally:

  • If we prescribe antibiotics, continue to take them as prescribed, even if all symptoms of infection are gone.
  • If we place sutures, you will be instructed whether they will dissolve on their own or if you need to return to have them removed.

It is common after an extraction to feel hard projections in the mouth. These are bony partitions that surround the root of a tooth. In most cases, they will work themselves out. If you have other concerns after your tooth extraction, do not hesitate to contact our office—especially if you experience excessive bleeding, pain, fever, or difficulty opening your mouth.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are third molars that grow during a person’s teenage years. When wisdom teeth erupt, they might lack adequate space to grow and instead come in at an angle or remain trapped in the jawbone (also referred to as “impacted”), shifting a person’s teeth and causing dental pain. Our office performs wisdom teeth removal in Randolph, NJ, and the surrounding areas to preserve your dental health.

Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Dentists usually recommend removing wisdom teeth before they cause further problems. Impacted wisdom teeth can damage the surrounding teeth, and they’re also difficult to clean, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with our dentist for a tooth extraction evaluation:

  • Jaw swelling or pain
  • Inflamed, red gums
  • Pain or difficulty opening your mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath

These may be signs that your wisdom teeth need to be removed to protect your oral health. If these symptoms are severe or you have a fever, contact us immediately. You might require an emergency wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

Wisdom teeth extractions are outpatient oral surgery procedures, which means you’ll be able to go home the same day.

When we remove your wisdom teeth, our dentist will make an incision in the gum, remove any bone, extract the tooth, and stitch the wound closed. The procedure will leave a hole (socket) that is packed with gauze. You’ll be given instructions on what to expect while healing and what to eat after your wisdom teeth extraction.

We’re Here For You!

If you live in Randolph, NJ, or a surrounding area and think you need wisdom teeth removal, contact Seidner Dentistry & Associates. Our dentists detail the procedure and schedule a consultation for you.

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